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Monday, December 31, 2007

Portrait of a Little Girl

Caption: Hi, I'm the Gingerbread Girl. I caught the Gingerbread Man and bit his head off. I always wanted to do that.

The above image is a portrait of a friend's daughter. She, the daughter, loves gingerbread. So I dubbed her the Gingerbread Girl. I created this portrait using MS Paint.

Click here for drama, comedy and adventure!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Me Cartoons

Cartoon image of an island.

Caption: No man is an island, but an island is an island.

Cartoon image of a merman talking to a goldfish.

Caption: Don' me mermaid!

Cartoon image of me in a lake.

Caption: Someone told me to go jump in the lake. I thought he was serious.

Click here for drama, comedy and adventure!

Olympic Torch

Olympic torch being carried around the track.

Caption: I have carried this torch for a thousand miles, over mountains, through valleys and streams, and all kinds of weather. So why must I now carry the friggin' thing around the track?

Once again, I used MS Paint to create the above image.

Click here for drama, comedy and adventure!

My First Portraits of People

A portrait of Kenny Chabot

The above image is a portrait of my neighbor Kenny. He gave me a high school graduation photo to work with. I created this image using MS Paint.

By the way, Kenny is single and his friday nights are free.

The portrait below is a woman who was reported missing, on the news. Her name is Paige. When I saw her photo, she looked like someone I could paint. This was my first attempt at portrait painting.

As a side note, I hope she is found and is alright.

Click here for drama, comedy and adventure!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Water Fantasy Art

Girl bathing under a waterfall.

Caption: Oh pooh! I dropped the soap!

Water has always fascinated me. Painting it is so challenging because it is transparent, yet the eye can see it as something tangible. It is fascinating the way water falls: it falls straight down and corkscrews; it falls in waves, droplets and streams, and it foams.

I created the images above and below with all this in mind. I used MS Paint as my medium.

Caption: What your bottled water looks like before it is processed.

Click here for drama, comedy and adventure!

Alexander-the-Great Art

Alexander the Great coins growing on a potted plant.

Caption: Boy, that was some fertilizer!

The above image was created using MS Paint. I took a gold-plated image of Alexander the Great, then cropped it to the shape of a coin, created a reverse exposure copy (thus the blue coins), and finally pasted them on a potted plant I painted.

The following image was also created using MS Paint. The background and pillers are a photograph of Pella, Macedon--the birthplace of Alexander the Great. I pasted on a single piller an image of Alexander's head, then painted the blood trickling down.

An image of a statue of Alexander the Great bleeding.

Caption: Blood is the price.

Yes, blood is the price paid for all wars throughout history, for whatever purposes they were fought.

Click here for drama, comedy and adventure!

Monday, December 24, 2007

Nessie: the Loch Ness Monster

A picture of a plesiosaur, aka Nessie or the Loch Ness Monster

I created this image of a plesiosaur (aka Nessie or the Loch Ness Monster) by using MS Paint. I took parts of another image that I thought would make a great underwater background and foreground. I then drew Nessie, and pasted her on. This was an image that was supposed to accompany a humorous article published at; however, the editors forgot to include it.

If you are a Nessie fan, you can find plenty of Nessie merchandise right here.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

So This is What Happens When You Use the B-word

A head on a stick.

Caption: So this is what happens when someone uses the b-word.

This another image I created with MS Paint. The head on the stick is a cartoon self-portrait of my profile. My friend, David, thinks I look a little like Adolph Hitler. Thanks David! It's time to draw you next! LOL!

Click here to buy a t-shirt or mug with this cartoon and caption.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let's Head over to Cyclops Island

A painting of a greek galley being rowed out to sea.

Caption: Hey guys! I've got it! I know this nice little spot called Cyclops Island...

I created the above painting with MS Paint. Not an easy task, let me tell you! Painting with a mouse is extremely awkward and frustrating! At times I wanted to throw the mouse into the river! The other frustrating thing is the colors do not blend but overlap each other, so it is hard to achieve subtle shades. Notwithstanding these difficulties, I was able to make a painting that sort of resembles an ancient Greek ship being rowed out to sea.

My thanks to you for taking a gander at it. Click here to buy a t=shirt or mug with this picture on it.

Melissa the Great

A portrait of my friend Melissa the Great.

I created this image using MS Paint. This is a portrait of my good friend Melissa. She emailed me a photo of herself, and I used it as a model. Her photo looked as though it was taken in her office or some room in her house. I thought, why not spice it up a bit. Wonder how she would look in a tunic, surrounded by the ruins of the ancient theatre of Pella, Macedon (where Alexander the Great originated, then went on to conquer the known world)?


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